About Ms. Brown

Hi, My name is Ms. Barbara Brown. I am a senior at the University of Tennessee Knoxville majoring in Elementary Deaf Education. One day I hope to teach children who are deaf better communicate with both the deaf and hearing community. I believe that learning should be fun, meaningful, and progressive!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Inquiry Based Assesments & Webquests

Last week we talked about webquests and how they can be used in the classroom.  We at first evaluated webquests to see which is best for teaching with using time management, technology, interaction, and higher level thinking.  I really enjoyed being able to think about these four things when making a lesson or activity for students.  After evaluating, the class picked out a webquest to review and gather information.  I hope that this is something I can use in my future classroom.

This week we focused on Inquiry Based Assessments.  We chose a textbook to guide us through standards that must be met for specific grades and subjects.  I chose to do 5th grade heredity.  I liked being able to get experience in coming up with a worksheet for students to fill out after using technology to learn about a subject.  This will definitely be something I can use while working with students who are deaf or hard of hearing.  I also like the idea that with the Wiki we can go back and look at other classmates' information that they found for their lessons and standards that must be met.
 Wiki about Heredity

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rockstar Trading Card Presentation

I enjoyed learning about using the wiki program to present our rockstar trading card about Golden Topaz.  I had never heard of wiki's before this class, so I have learned a lot already just in the short time that we have spent with the program.  I liked hearing how this type of lesson could be used in different content areas, because it helped me realize that in deaf education I can use this for my students who are visual learners.  Also, the wiki's could be used to show parents so that when the student comes home it would be available for study and review materials later on.  This could also be something that is shared with other teachers to present ideas that might be helpful in their classroom.
Also I was glad to be able to actually check out a textbook for teachers to use for the curriculum assignment.  In a few of my other classes, we have done assignments with state standards and curriculum, but there is so much to take in that it is still confusing to me.  I hope that being able to make a lesson from a textbook with information on how to get the standard into learning will help clarify what it means to have to reach all state standards within the year.

Golden Topaz Rockstar Trading Card

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Evaluating Websites

Although I have never really thought about how to evaluate websites for accuracy, I have realized that one as a teacher must make sure that the information presented will be accurate and up to date for the students to learn effectively.  For our learning experience this week, we had to evaluate a website that would be used for teaching students.
I chose to evaluate www.pbs.org/teachers, PBS Teachers.  This site is packed full of wonderful resources for all grades and subject areas.  It is also very nicely sorted for easy finding.  Once a grade is chosen, the next step is to choose what subject are you want to look more into.  Once that is chosen, pages upon pages come up with lesson plans, games, offline activities, interaction activities, etc.  Subjects presented on this site are art, health and fitness, math, reading and language arts, science and technology, and social studies.  This website does need flash player and real player to play games, videos, and audio. 
The credibility and reliability of PBS Teachers was presented with details about the author, founders, collaborators, PBS teacher leaders, and PBS teachers advisory group.  There does not seem to be an bias of information presented, as all issues of learning are presented in different formats of presentation.  I did not find any difficulty in navigating the home page or reading any information that was listed.  I would highly recommend this website because it has an abundance of helpful links for the novice or advanced teacher, and it is free!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Expectations for TPTE 486

I hope to learn tools to help students use technology in the classroom.  I am usually not very good when it comes to dealing with technology, so I am excited to learn new ways to teach material through technology.  I like the idea of being able to present these tools one day for a job when interviewing with an employer.  Also, I feel that by using technology for communication purposes with students, parents, and other educators will make the learning environment meaningful and effective!

You can also follow up-to date information about classroom ideas, the schedule, and ways to stay connected at my website and wiki.   
Website-  https://sites.google.com/site/msbarbarabrownsclassroom/home
Wiki-       http://allaboutme003.pbworks.com/w/page/58114217/Barbara%20Brown