About Ms. Brown

Hi, My name is Ms. Barbara Brown. I am a senior at the University of Tennessee Knoxville majoring in Elementary Deaf Education. One day I hope to teach children who are deaf better communicate with both the deaf and hearing community. I believe that learning should be fun, meaningful, and progressive!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

IWB, Google Forms, and Animoto

This week in TPTE 486 we learned more tools that can be used when teaching with Interactive WhiteBoard in the classroom, and started an outline of the flipchart we will create using a Tennessee textbook.  The textbook that I chose to use for this activity was Tennessee Science grade 5.  I plan to create my flipchart by starting the title slide with the Science standard GLE 0507.1.1, my name, and what grade and subject that the interaction will be about.  Page 1 and 2 will introduce vocabulary words for aspects of plant and animal cells, followed by a review of these words on page 3 and 4.  On page 5 will present a picture of a plant cell, and on page 6 students will be able to interact with the board to label parts of the plant cell.  On page 7 will be a picture of the overview of a animal cell, and on page 8, students will be able to label the parts for this type of cell.
On Tuesday the class learned how to use the easy and efficient Google Forms.  With this Web 2.0 tool, one as a teacher is able to create a vast amount of forms that allows students to go in and record their answers, and the teacher is able to go back in and see all answers, when they were submitted, and can highlight what students may need help with.
On Thursday my group presented the Web 2.0 tool Animoto.  This is an awesome tool that can be used in the classroom by teachers and students.  There are many ways to use this tool from study guides, virtual field trips, and movie trailers for books and stories. 

 Here is a Google Form I made asking questions about "favorites", and an Animoto video I created with an overview of the planets of outer space.

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

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