About Ms. Brown

Hi, My name is Ms. Barbara Brown. I am a senior at the University of Tennessee Knoxville majoring in Elementary Deaf Education. One day I hope to teach children who are deaf better communicate with both the deaf and hearing community. I believe that learning should be fun, meaningful, and progressive!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Looking back at my technology journey

This semester has been so helpful for me as I have never been the most tech savvy person.  I learned how easy it is to make a website even though it does take a lot of time and effort to make a good looking, orderly site.  As far as Web 2.0 tools go, I believe the only one I had ever even heard of before this semester was Pixlr and I had never use it.  I would say that learning about these tools was a great success in my book for the semester.  These tools are so fun to use, and should be very beneficial for my journey through teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing.  Most of them were really easy to navigate through.  I actually had never written a blog before this semester either so I learned how simple it was to jot down my opinion and things that I have learned.  I enjoyed doing the digital scavenger hunt, making a digital story, and creating resources through a wiki to use in my career.  I however do not care much for the InterActive Whiteboard assignment.  Although there are some really good ways to help students interact, it seemed too difficult for what it is worth.  I may think differently a few years down the road when I have had some more experience with the tool!  I really enjoyed learning all about technology this semester.  Some of the most common sense things made me think in different ways throughout the time of this class.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Digital Storytelling

On Tuesday we worked on finishing up digital stories that were meant to be educational, so that we could put them on our website too use in the classroom.  It seems like this is a great tool to use after learning how to create movies and how to insert pictures.  One must remember to use bigger images so that they do become blurry when inserted into the movie.  Also, the text has to been seen clearly throughout the movie so that the story can flow appropriately.  Although our assignment was to create an educational digital story, it can be done with any kind of images whether it be from a trip, a how-to video, or other various photos that make come from memories.  This is a digital story that I created in iMovie to teach students about landscapes, animals, and plants that can be found if a trip to California is taken.  Pictures can from my personal collection and also Public Domain.  Audio for the video came from Public Domain as well.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Digital Diagrams

This week in TPTE 486, we started our digital diagrams in a program known as Inspiration.  Although the software is not free, we were able to download a free version to use on our home computers.  I chose to do my digital diagram on the life cycle of butterflies.  It aligns with 2nd grade science standard GLE 0207.4.1 Compare the life cycles of various organisms.  It also aligns with NETS.T 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity, and 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. The textbook used for this project was Butterflies and Moths (Delta Science Readers).  I think this tool will be very helpful when I start my career as deaf education teacher.  Usually students who are deaf or hard of hearing are visual learners, so I feel that this tool will be very beneficial.  Here is a screenshot of my digital diagram!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Storybird and Digital Diagrams

This week in TPTE 486 we continued working on our Interactive WhiteBoard projects.  It is still overwhelming, but I am enjoying learning about all the tools that I can use in my future classroom.  I am working on creating a flipchart for plant and animal cells.  

We also learned about the web 2.0 tool Storybird, which allows teachers, students, and other individuals to create  simple free storybooks online.  Pictures are already provided to help create a story as well as themes.  This tool helps with imagination, the basics of storytelling, and helping to make reading meaningful and fun for all ages. 
This is a story I created about activities a person can do during their free time.  Check it out, and make your own story!


On Thursday we started learning about digital diagrams.  We ran through an example, and also a few ways to use this tool through the program Inspiration.  Although it is not free, one can learn about making digital diagrams through a trial period.  I also found a  2nd grade science textbook to guide my project on the life cycle of a butterfly.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

IWB, Google Forms, and Animoto

This week in TPTE 486 we learned more tools that can be used when teaching with Interactive WhiteBoard in the classroom, and started an outline of the flipchart we will create using a Tennessee textbook.  The textbook that I chose to use for this activity was Tennessee Science grade 5.  I plan to create my flipchart by starting the title slide with the Science standard GLE 0507.1.1, my name, and what grade and subject that the interaction will be about.  Page 1 and 2 will introduce vocabulary words for aspects of plant and animal cells, followed by a review of these words on page 3 and 4.  On page 5 will present a picture of a plant cell, and on page 6 students will be able to interact with the board to label parts of the plant cell.  On page 7 will be a picture of the overview of a animal cell, and on page 8, students will be able to label the parts for this type of cell.
On Tuesday the class learned how to use the easy and efficient Google Forms.  With this Web 2.0 tool, one as a teacher is able to create a vast amount of forms that allows students to go in and record their answers, and the teacher is able to go back in and see all answers, when they were submitted, and can highlight what students may need help with.
On Thursday my group presented the Web 2.0 tool Animoto.  This is an awesome tool that can be used in the classroom by teachers and students.  There are many ways to use this tool from study guides, virtual field trips, and movie trailers for books and stories. 

 Here is a Google Form I made asking questions about "favorites", and an Animoto video I created with an overview of the planets of outer space.

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Interactive Whiteboard

In class Thursday, we talked about using the Interactive Whiteboard, powered by Promethean, in class when we start teaching. We were able to get up in front of the class and interact with the board some, while tools where being taught. I thought it was neat all the tools that can be used with this board, and I am sure next week we will learn a lot more that can be done to help all types of students learn. It seems like this type of tool can be used for many different subjects, but would probably be best for Science and Social Studies. I liked the idea of being able to hide clues and answers behind pictures on the flipchart, and allows student interact with the board and finding answers. I think with this, it makes learning more meaningful than just a worksheet or reading out of a textbook. Creating a flipchart seems a lot easier than making a PowerPoint, and it offers more tools for learning than just words, pictures, videos, and website links, although all of these are available within the Interactive White Board. It is also handy to be able to find flipcharts that have already been created on http://www.prometheanplanet.com/en/.  One must look into the presentation first though before using it in the classroom, because not only are there excellent flipcharts, there are also some bad ones as well, due to anyone being able to upload to this website.  I look forward to learning more about the different tools that can be used for teaching, and also different areas that the Interactive Whiteboard can be used for within the classroom.  I think this will be an awesome tool to use with student who are deaf and hard of hearing that I will be teaching soon.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Digital Scavenger Hunt Social Studies

This week we talked about digital scavenger hunts in TPTE 486. My group went out onto UTK's campus and found ten pictures that related with Social Studies. These included a newspaper, map, directions, inanimate object over forty years old, technology invented in last five years, differences and similarities, an event that changed the world, example of political bias, a political symbol, and a calendar showing an important date in history. Even though The University of Tennessee is a large campus so of these items were difficult to find, while others had a few opportunities for examples. I thought this was a neat exercise because a teacher can go out into the world and find examples to use in teaching a subject. With this, students maybe able to better connect the subject matter and what it means by using real world objects. We also talked about the importance of whether or not a photo can be used in the classroom that may be found on the internet. This is due to copyright laws. Last week we watched a video using Disney films about this that really helped me understand what can and cannot be used in order to follow these laws. Picasa Web Album Google Presentation

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


This week in class, students starting presenting Web 2.0 Tools that we all worked on creating last week.  On Tuesday, the Wordle group presented.  I have actually seen ideas like this type of Web 2.0 tool while exploring on Pinterest, but they never seemed to work like they should, so I was excited to learn about this Web 2.0 tool that I can easily use to create visuals for my classroom.  I know this type of technology tool will be helpful for students who are deaf that are visual learners.  This is also something easy that they can go about creating themselves for lessons being learned, creating word walls, and using for important information before a test.  I also think there is a wide variety of using this tool outside of the classroom, an example being invitations.  I look forward as the semester continues to learn about other Web 2.0 tools that can be used in the classroom.

Here is an example of Wordle from this blog post.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Web 2.0 Tools

This week in TPTE 486, we worked in groups to create a Resource Wiki for Web 2.0 tools.  My group created educational videos using Animoto.  With this tool you can upload photos from a computer or any website, as well sharing videos online.  Educators can use this tool to generate interest in the classroom.  Animoto videos can be customized easily with photos, music, text, and an assortment of backgrounds. It can also be used to create thoughtful media creations, teach vocabulary, topics, periods in history, study guides,etc. Students can present creation in front of class. The Web 2.0 tool can also create video flash cards, and simulated field trips.
This allows students to use their imagination when creating videos.  Educators can apply for a free “Classroom Code” for 6 months of unpaid membership, but must use school email address to apply and the code can be renewed.  Students can be signed up under the “Classroom Code” to create videos for classroom use.  Unfortunately the tool does not allow voice to be added into the video with the free membership.  Also, teachers must make sure that they use the Education Edition so that all content is appropriate for students. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Inquiry Based Assesments & Webquests

Last week we talked about webquests and how they can be used in the classroom.  We at first evaluated webquests to see which is best for teaching with using time management, technology, interaction, and higher level thinking.  I really enjoyed being able to think about these four things when making a lesson or activity for students.  After evaluating, the class picked out a webquest to review and gather information.  I hope that this is something I can use in my future classroom.

This week we focused on Inquiry Based Assessments.  We chose a textbook to guide us through standards that must be met for specific grades and subjects.  I chose to do 5th grade heredity.  I liked being able to get experience in coming up with a worksheet for students to fill out after using technology to learn about a subject.  This will definitely be something I can use while working with students who are deaf or hard of hearing.  I also like the idea that with the Wiki we can go back and look at other classmates' information that they found for their lessons and standards that must be met.
 Wiki about Heredity

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rockstar Trading Card Presentation

I enjoyed learning about using the wiki program to present our rockstar trading card about Golden Topaz.  I had never heard of wiki's before this class, so I have learned a lot already just in the short time that we have spent with the program.  I liked hearing how this type of lesson could be used in different content areas, because it helped me realize that in deaf education I can use this for my students who are visual learners.  Also, the wiki's could be used to show parents so that when the student comes home it would be available for study and review materials later on.  This could also be something that is shared with other teachers to present ideas that might be helpful in their classroom.
Also I was glad to be able to actually check out a textbook for teachers to use for the curriculum assignment.  In a few of my other classes, we have done assignments with state standards and curriculum, but there is so much to take in that it is still confusing to me.  I hope that being able to make a lesson from a textbook with information on how to get the standard into learning will help clarify what it means to have to reach all state standards within the year.

Golden Topaz Rockstar Trading Card

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Evaluating Websites

Although I have never really thought about how to evaluate websites for accuracy, I have realized that one as a teacher must make sure that the information presented will be accurate and up to date for the students to learn effectively.  For our learning experience this week, we had to evaluate a website that would be used for teaching students.
I chose to evaluate www.pbs.org/teachers, PBS Teachers.  This site is packed full of wonderful resources for all grades and subject areas.  It is also very nicely sorted for easy finding.  Once a grade is chosen, the next step is to choose what subject are you want to look more into.  Once that is chosen, pages upon pages come up with lesson plans, games, offline activities, interaction activities, etc.  Subjects presented on this site are art, health and fitness, math, reading and language arts, science and technology, and social studies.  This website does need flash player and real player to play games, videos, and audio. 
The credibility and reliability of PBS Teachers was presented with details about the author, founders, collaborators, PBS teacher leaders, and PBS teachers advisory group.  There does not seem to be an bias of information presented, as all issues of learning are presented in different formats of presentation.  I did not find any difficulty in navigating the home page or reading any information that was listed.  I would highly recommend this website because it has an abundance of helpful links for the novice or advanced teacher, and it is free!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Expectations for TPTE 486

I hope to learn tools to help students use technology in the classroom.  I am usually not very good when it comes to dealing with technology, so I am excited to learn new ways to teach material through technology.  I like the idea of being able to present these tools one day for a job when interviewing with an employer.  Also, I feel that by using technology for communication purposes with students, parents, and other educators will make the learning environment meaningful and effective!

You can also follow up-to date information about classroom ideas, the schedule, and ways to stay connected at my website and wiki.   
Website-  https://sites.google.com/site/msbarbarabrownsclassroom/home
Wiki-       http://allaboutme003.pbworks.com/w/page/58114217/Barbara%20Brown